

Returning at once to the merchant, he told him that, besides the olives, he had left a thous
and pieces of gold in the jar. "If you had need of them, and have used them in trade, they are at your service till you wish to pay them back, only give me a written word to say that you will do so."

The merchant was ready with an angry answer: "You left a jar, found it in its place, and took it away. Now you come and ask me for a thousand pieces of gold. I wonder that you do not demand diamonds or pearls. Begone about your business."

The noise of their quarrel drew other merchants to the spot, and Ali Cogia, seeing that he gained nothing by talk, left his unfaithful friend, telling him that he must appear
for trial before the cauzee, an officer of the law whose summons must be obeyed by every good Muslim man. "With all my heart," said the merchant, "we shall soon see who is wrong."

When the trial to
ok place, the cauzee, after hearing the merchant's defense of himself, asked if there were any witnesses, and, finding there were none, dismissed the prisoner for want of evidence. The merchant was in triumph over the verdict, but Ali
Cogia would not let the matter drop so easily.
他立即回到商人那里,质问他除了橄榄,他还有一千个金币留在瓶子里。 「假如你有所需要,已经把钱用在商务上,那么这些钱就听凭你使用,直到你愿意时再还给我,而祇要给我个字据,表明向我借用便可以了。」
C 商人早有准备,生气地说:「你留存一个瓶子,在原处找到后便即取走。 现在你却来问我要一千个金币。 我真奇怪你为何不问我要钻石或珠宝。 出去!管好你自己的事!」
C 他们争吵的声音引来了许多商人围观,阿里寇奇发现再说也于事无补,立刻离开他那不老实的朋友,并告诉他一定要到「凯兹」面前去向他告状。他是法官,他的命令,凡是善良的回教徒都必须遵守。 「我也希望如此!」商人说:「我们不久将知道究竟谁是谁非了。」
举行审判时,凯兹听了商人为自己辩护之后,便问可有任何的证人,他见找不出什么证人,便打发了商人,因为缺乏证据。 商人对于这个判决很高兴,但阿里寇奇不愿事情就这么结束。

