

He set out at once for his kingdom, and when he arrived the queen asked him whether he retur
ned well pleased. He told her all that had happened, and the queen, seeing his disappointment, gave him comfort instead of reproof.


Sultan Zeyn vowed that f
or the future he would follow his mother's advice, and be directed by the wise viziers she had chosen to help him in the government. But the very night after he returned to his palace, the old man came to him for the third time in a dr
eam, and said: "The time of your prosperity is coming, brave Zeyn. Tomorrow morning, as soon as you are up, take a little pickax, and dig in the former Sultan's closet, you will find a rich treasure there."

As soon as the Sultan awoke, he got up, ran to the queen, and eagerly told her of the new dream.

"Really, my son," said the queen, smiling, "this is a very capricious old man, but have you a mind to believe h
im again? At any rate, this new task is not so bad as your long journeys."

Then he left the queen, caused a pickax to be brought to him, and went alone into his father's closet.
他立刻启程回国,到达的时候,母亲问他是否已满意而归来。 他告诉她一切经过,王后见他那么失望便安慰他,但并不责备他。
济恩王子发誓今后一定要遵行母亲的叮嘱。愿受明智的首相的指导──首相是母亲选来辅助他的。 但就在他回宫的路上,第三次又梦见老人前来说道:「你富裕的时间到了,勇敢的济恩! 明天早晨在你起身之后,就取一把锄头去掘先王的私人小房间,在那儿你就会找出宝库。」
「的确,我儿!」王后笑着说:「这真是个变化莫测的老翁!但你还有心再度信任他吗? 还好无论如何,这个新任务,总不及你去长途跋涉那样不好。」

