

Prince Houssain walked on and on, he became very tired, and was glad when a merchant asked hi
m to sit down in front of his shop. As he rested, a man passed by with a carpet about six feet square, and cried with a loud voice that its price was forty purses.

"This is a good carpet," said he, "
but why should it cost so much? I see nothing wonderful about it."

"It is true," said the crier, "you can see nothing wonderful, and yet this carpet is well worth forty purses, for if you own the car
pet and sit on it, you will be carried to any place you wish in the twinkle of an eye."

No sooner said than done. They sat on the carpet, and at once were in the room where the Prince lodged.
The Prince gladly gave forty purses for the carpet, and it now was his. But as he needed no time for returning home, he remained in the town the rest of the year, enjoying its wonders. He was sure there coul
d be no greater gift than the carpet.

Prince Ali, the second brother, made his way to Persia. When he reached the capital, there was one who had in his hand an ivory tube about a foot long and an inc
h thick. He cried out that he would sell this to anyone for forty purses.
哈森王子走了又走,确实有些累了!所以当有位商人请他坐在店铺的前面时,他很乐意的接受。 正当休息着,有一个人拿着一块四方形六呎长宽的地毯,大声喊叫着走过来,说价钱是四十金元。

「这是好地毯,」他说:「但是怎么这样贵? 我看不出它有什么特别的地方?」

C 话说完之后他们成交了。 他们坐在地毯上面,顷刻间就到了王子投宿的房间里。 于是王子很快乐地给了他四十金元而拥有地毯。 因此他心想若要回家就立刻可以到家,也用不着什么时候动身;所以仍旧逗留在城里,快乐享受着其余的日子。 他认为一定没有比地毯更伟大的礼物了。

C 再说第二个兄弟阿里王子,他起程赴波斯。 当他到京城这天,有一人手里拿着长约一呎、厚约一吋的象牙管子。 并喊着愿意卖给任何人,而只要四十金元。

