

When one is in such great peril, his wits fly fast, and sometimes they fly into safety.

The Fisherman said: "Since I must die, I must. But before I die, answer me one question."

"Ask what you will, but make haste."

you, then, swear that you really were in the jar? It is so small, and you are so vast, that the great toe of one of your feet could not be held in it."

"Verily I was in the jar; I swear it. Do you not believe it?"

"No, not until I see you in the jar."

At that the Genie, to prove it, changed again into smoke, and entered the jar, As soon as this was done, the F
isherman clapped the lid' on again, and the Genie was shut up inside.

渔夫说:「既然必须死,我死就是了! 但在我未死之前,希望你回答我一个问题。」

C 「你有什么话问我?快说!」

C 「那么,你敢发誓你真的曾经在瓶子里吗? C 瓶口这么小,你这么大,就算你脚上的大脚趾也不能藏在里边!」

C 「我真的是在瓶子里,我发誓。 C 你不信吗?」

C 「除非我看见你在瓶子里,否则我不信。」
C 于是,妖怪为了要证明他确实在瓶子里,所以又变成烟进入瓶中。这时候,渔夫急忙把盖子盖上。妖怪又被幽闭在瓶中了。

