

"If that be so," answered the cauzee, "look into that jar and tell me how long it is since t
hose olives were put into it."

The two merchants pretended to examine and taste the olives, and told the cauzee they were new and good. "You are mistaken," said the young cauzee, "Ali Cogia says he
put them into the jar seven years ago."

"Sir," replied the merchants, "We can assure you they are of this year's growth, and we will maintain there is not a merchant in Baghdad but will say the same."

The pretended merchant would have objected to this evidence, but the young cauzee would not hear him. "Hold your tongue," said he, "you are a rogue. Let him be impaled." The
n the children ended their play clapping their hands with joy, and, leading the feigned criminal away to execution.

The Caliph Haroun al Raschid was perfectlydelighted with the shrewdness and good sense of the boy c
auzee in an affair which was to be tried before himself the next day. As he rose from the bench, he said to the Grand Vizier: "Could I possibly give a better sentence tomorrow?"
两个商人假装视察和尝试了橄榄,对法官说:「这些橄榄都很新鲜美味。」 小法官说:「你错了!阿里寇奇说他是在七年前放进瓶子里的。」
假商人想反对这个证据,但是小法官不愿意听。 「住口!」他说:「你是混蛋。 将他处以刺刑。」 于是孩子们便玩完了他们的游戏,快乐的拍着手,领着假犯人去行刑了。

回教君王哈利发.拉西德非常喜欢小法官处理这案子的聪慧和有见识,他明天当面就要审问这件案子了。 他从木凳上站起来时,对首相说:「我明天可给个更为明确的判决吗?」

