

Looking over the land, I saw something white, and, coming down, took some of the food I had left, an
d went towards it, not knowing at the great distance what it was.

As I drew near, I thought it to be a white dome of enormous size, and when I touched it, I found it to be very smooth. There was no o
pening on any side, and there was no climbing to the top over the smooth surface. It was at least fifty paces round.

By this time, the sun was about to set, and all of a sudden, the sky became as dar
k as if it had been covered with a thick cloud. I was amazed at this sudden darkness, but much more when I found it was caused by a bird of monstrous size, that came flying towards me. I remembered that I had often he
ard mariners speak of a marvelous bird called the roc, and felt sure that the great dome by which I stood must be its egg. In short, the bird alighted and sat over the egg. As I saw her coming, I crept close to the egg
, so that I had before me one of the legs of the bird, which was as big as the trunk of a tree. I tied myself strongly to it with my turban, in hopes that the roc next morning would carry me with her out of this desert island. After having passed the night in this condition, the bird flew away as soon as it was daylight, and carried me so high that I could not see the earth.
当我接近时猜想它是一个极大的白色半球形圆体,而触摸之后觉得它非常的平滑。 然而各面都没有进入的通路,又不能经由平滑的外表而攀登到顶上。 而且绕它一圈至少要走五十步。
C 这时候,太阳将下山了,转瞬间天空暗得好似被浓云遮蔽一般。 我非常讶异这突如其来的黑暗,当我发觉这是向我飞来的一只大鸟所造成的时候,就更加的吃惊! 记得常听航海家提起有一种巨鹏大鸟。因此而猜想在我面前竖立的圆屋一定是它的蛋。 不久,巨鹏飞下来站在蛋上。 我见它飞近时,就贴在蛋的旁边。如此,在我面前的就是一只大得和树干一般的鸟腿。 我用头巾把自己紧紧的系在鸟腿上,希望大鹏鸟在明天早晨会把我带出这荒岛。 在此情形下,我度过了一夜,鹏鸟一到天亮便飞走了,也把我带到高空中,竟使我看不见大地!

