

A large basin of beautiful marble was placed in the garden; and when the Princess poured into it a
ll the yellow water from the flagon, it reached at once to the edges of the basin, and afterwards formed in the middle a fountain twenty feet high, which fell again into the basin without ever running over.


The report of these wonders soon spread abroad, and many persons came to see and admire them. The two Princes soon took up their old way of living, and one day, when they were hunting two or three leagu
es from the house, they chanced to meet with the Emperor of Persia. The respect they paid him with an easy and graceful air, their handsome mien, and the knowledge, which he soon gained from them, that they were the sons of the former k
eeper of his gardens, won them his favor at once. This was increased by the skill displayed, at his request, in the chase, and by their bearing, when they came a few days later to his court. They were loath to make thi
s visit when the Emperor first demanded it. But when they asked their sister's advice about it, she said: "Let us consult the speaking bird," and the bird said: "The Princes, your brothers, must yield to the Emperor's pleasure, and in t
heir turn invite him to come and see your house."
关于这些珍物的消息很快便传播开来,许多人都来参观且赞美它们。 两位王子不久也就回复平常的生活。有一天,他们在离家两、三哩路的地方打猎,刚好遇见了波斯皇帝。 他们从容而文雅的对他表示尊敬之意。因他们和善的态度,以及不久就从他们口中得知他们是已故御花园管理者的儿子,使他们立刻得到了皇帝的恩宠。 顺从君王的请求,他们表现了打猎时所有的技能,并且数日后他们到宫中拜见时所表现的仪态,使他们的恩宠与日俱增。 皇帝初次邀请他们时,他们不愿作此拜访。 但当他们问及妹妹意见时,她说道:「让我们向鸟儿请教。」于是鸟儿说:「皇帝的命令,你们必须服从,同时也可以请他来看看你们的房子。」

