

"What does this mean?" she said to herself. "Somebody intends my master har
m, and in any case, it is best to guard against the worst." Then she fetched a piece of chalk, and marked two or three doors on each side in the same manner, saying nothing to her master or mistress.

When the robber rejoined his troop in the forest, and told of his good fortune in meeting the one man that could have helped him, they were all delighted.

"Comrades," said the captain, "we have no time to lose.
Let us set off at once, well armed and disguised, enter the town by twos, and join at the great square. Meanwhile, our comrade who has brought us the good news and I will go and find out the house, and decide what had best be

Two by two, they entered the town. Last of all went the captain and the spy. When they came to the first of the house which Morgiana had marked, the spy pointed it out. But the captain noticed that the next door was chalked in the same manner, and asked his guide which house it was, that or the first. The guide knew not what answer to make, and was still more puzzled when he and the captain
saw five or six houses marked after this same fashion.
「这究竟是什么意思?」她对自己说。 「有人想要对我的主人不利,无论如何,总是谨防奸计得逞为妙。」 于是拿粉笔在两旁的各两、三家门上,做着同样的记号,而且也不对那些屋子的主人和主妇解说。
C 当强盗在林中与其它盗贼重新会合时,就告诉他们,他幸运地遇到了一个能够帮助他的人,所有强盗因此都很兴奋。

C 「伙伴们!」首领说:「我们不能坐失良机。 C 立即出发吧!好好的武装和乔装起来,两人一组的进城去,到大广场上会合。 到那时候,我和带消息的那位伙伴一起去找寻屋子,然后决定应该怎么做。」

于是他们两人一组的进了城。 密探和首领最后进城。 他们到了马姬娜所做记号的第一家门口时,密探指出就是这里。 但是首领注意到另一家门口也有着同样的记号,就问他究竟是那个屋子,是第二家还是第一家? 引导者不知该如何回答。之后他和首领又见五、六家做着同样的记号,便更加胡涂了。

文章标签:双语阅读  十大  
