

The foot of the mountain was covered with wrecks, with a vast number of human bones, and goods
and riches of all kinds beyond belief. In all other places, it is usual for rivers to run into the sea, but here a river of fresh water runs from the sea into a dark cavern, with a very high and spacious entrance. What
is the most strange in this place is that the stones of the mountain are of crystal, rubies, and other precious stones. Here also are ambergris and wood of aloes.

When we landed, we divided the food
equally, and thus each one lived a longer or shorter time, according to the use he made of his share. I outlived my comrades, and, when I buried the last of them, had so little food left that I dug a grave for myself. But God once more took pity on me, and put it in my mind to go to the bank of the river which ran into the cavern, I said to myself: "This underground river must somewhere have an outlet. If I make a raft, and leave myself to the current
, it will convey me to some inhabited country, or I shall perish. If I be drowned, I only change one kind of death for another."

Out of pieces of timber and cables from the wrecks, I soon made myself
a solid raft. Then I loaded it carefully with some chests of rubies, emeralds, ambergris, rock crystal, and bales of rich stuffs, and went on board with two oars that I had made, leaving the raft to the course of the river, and resigni
ng myself to the will of God.
山脚下积满被破坏的船,有着无数的枯骨,及各种使我们难以相信的物品和财宝。 在其它各地,平时只有河流入海;但在这里,却有条清澈的河水,从海中流入一个黑暗的洞穴,入口非常高阔。 此地最奇怪的是:山上的石头都是水晶、红宝石以及其它的宝石所构成的。 而且还生产着龙涎香和沉香木。
C 当我们上岸的时候,就把粮食平均分配,谁的粮食没有吃完,谁便可延续生命。 而我在同伴中寿命最长,于是我把最后一人埋葬之后,自己也只剩下很少的食物,所以就为自己掘了一个洞穴。 但是上帝又垂怜于我,使我想到应该到那个流入黑暗之洞的河岸上面去。我自己想道:「这条地下河流在某处一定有它的出口。 C 假使我造一条木筏,随着水流浮游而去,木筏或许能载我到有人烟的地方,不然我就死定了! 假使我溺死了,也不过是换一种死法而已!」
我用破碎的木头和破船的绳索,造成一个结实的木筏。 于是谨慎地装上几箱红宝石、绿宝石、龙涎香、水晶,以及贵重货物的包裹,且带了两支自制的桨上了木筏,让它浮到水流中,一切听天由命了!

