

The Dervish did not object to this plan, and the Princess, throwing down the bowl he gave her
, followed it to the foot of the mountain.

Here she alighted, and stopped her ears with cotton. After she had looked well at the path leading to the summit, she began at a moderate pace, and walked o
n without fear. She heard the voices and perceived the great service the cotton was to her. The higher she went, the louder and more numerous the voices seemed, but they could make no impression upon her. At the insulting speeches which she did hear, she only laughed. At last she saw the cage and the bird, and at the same moment the clamor and thunders of the voices greatly increased.

The Princess,
rejoicing to see the object of her search, doubled her speed, and soon gained the summit of the mountain, where the ground was level. Then, running directly to the cage, and clapping her hand upon it, she cried: "Bird, I have you, and
you shall not escape me." At this moment the voices ceased.

While Periezadeh was pulling the cotton out of her ears, the bird said to her: "Heroic Princess, since I am destined to be a slave, I would
rather be yours than any other person's, since you have obtained me so bravely.

她立即跳下了马,用棉花塞住耳朵。 看清了往山顶的路后,便开始从容地走着,一点也不怕的向前走着。 她可以听见声音,于是知道棉花所给与她的好处。 她走得愈高,似乎声音就愈响而愈多,但是她一点也不恐慌。 至于她确实听到的谩骂声,也祇是一笑置之。 最后她看见了鸟和笼子,这时,喧哗和雷响般的声音也更加的增强了。
公主见到了她寻求的目标大为欣喜,于是加快脚步,不久便到了山顶,而这里的地是平坦的。 然后她直接向笼子走去,用手抓住了鸟,大喊道:「鸟呀!我找到你了,你不要逃避我吧!」 至此所有的声音便停止了。

