

"That is the most interesting story," said Dinar-zade. "But how does it end?"

"The end is more strange than the beginning," said her sister. "If Your Highness," she said, turning to the Sultan, "will let me live one more day, I can then finish the story."

The Sultan wanted very much to hear the end, so he gave Schehera-zade one more day to live, meaning to have her head cut off after that. But when the next morning came, and Dinar-zade asked for the rest of the story, Schehera-z
ade told it in such a way that it carried her into the middle of another story, and daylight came, and that story was not done. The Sultan put off her death one day more.

Thus it went on and on, the st
ory was never done, and for a thousand and one nights, Schehera-zade told her stories to the Sultan. By that time, though she had not told nearly all her stories, the Sultan had grown so fond of her, and had come to have such faith in he
r, that he forgot the wife who once did not obey, and made it known throughout the kingdom that Schehera-zade was to be the one Sultaness so long as he lived. The Grand Vizier and all the people had great joy at this; all the girls in th
e kingdom once more breathed freely, and Schehera-zade kept on telling her stories.
「那真是最有趣的故事!」玲娜.瑞里说。 「但是结局如何呢?」
「结局比开头还要奇妙,」 她姊姊说着又转向君主:「假使君主准许我再多活一天,我就能把故事说完。」
由于君主很喜欢听故事,所以准许司凯儿.瑞里再多活一天,预计在第二天早上才砍她的头。 但是一到第二天早上,当玲娜.瑞里请她继续讲未完的故事时,司凯儿.瑞里又是依法炮制,使另一个故事讲到一半天又亮了,所以这个故事又不能说完。 于是君主又把她的死期延缓一天。
这样日复一日的下去,故事总不能讲完,而司凯儿.瑞里在一千零一夜中讲了许多故事给君主听。 其实,她虽然还没把她所有的故事讲完,但君主却已渐渐爱上她了,也对她有了信任感,更忘掉了那个从前对他不服从的妻子。因此他向全国人民宣告,当他在位之日,司凯儿.瑞里将是他唯一的王后。 首相和人民对此都非常高兴,全国上下所有的妇女也都松了一口气,而司凯儿.瑞里又得继续讲她的故事了。

