

There we found fruit and spring water, which saved our lives. Early the next morni
ng, we explored the island, and saw some houses, which we approached. As soon as we drew near, we were surrounded by a great number of negroes, who seized us, shared us among them, and carried us to their respective abodes.

I and five of my comrades were carried to one place; here they made us sit down, and gave us a certain herb, which they made signs to us to eat. My comrades did not notice that the blacks took none of it themsel
ves, and ate greedily. But I, suspecting some trick, would not so much as taste it, which happened well for me. For in a little time I saw that my comrades had lost their senses, and that when they spoke to me they kne
w not what they said.

The negroes fed us afterwards with rice to make us fat, for they were cannibals and meant to eat us. My comrades, who had lost their senses, ate heartily of it, but I very spari
ngly. They were devoured one by one, and I, with my senses entire, as you may readily guess, grew leaner every day. The fear of death turned all my food into poison. I fell into a sickness which prove
d my safety, for the negroes, having killed and eaten my comrades, and seeing me to be withered, lean, and sick, put off my death.
我们在这里寻得赖以生存的果子和溪水。 翌日清晨就出发探险,一路上看见有许多屋子,于是向前走去。 直到靠近屋子,却被一大群黑人围绕着,他们捉住了我们,且将我们带开,然后运送到各人所住的屋里。
我和五个同伴被运送到一个地方:在这里他们命令我们坐下,给我们某种草类,并做手势叫我们吃掉。 我的同伴没留意到黑人们并不吃这种草,就嘴馋地吃了。 但我怀疑有诈,怎样都不肯吃,就因此使我受益不浅。 因为在顷刻间,我见同伴们失去了他们的意志力,他们对我所说的话,连他们自己也不知道是什么意思。
C 之后黑人就用米食喂我们,使我们变得肥胖,因为他们是食人族,而用意是要吃掉我们。 C 那些失去意志力的同伴们,拚命的吃着,我却吃得很少。 他们依次就被吃掉了!至于我,你可以猜得到的,我的知觉都还在,所以一天比一天还瘦。 怕死的念头使我想到食物就像是毒药! 生病对我反而有益,因为黑人已杀害并吃掉我的同伴,而见我憔悴、消瘦、又生病,便拖延了我的死期。

