

Your master's body is contained in these two panniers. We must bury him as if he
had died a natural death. Go now and tell your mistress. I leave the matter to your wit and skillful devices."

Three or four days after the funeral, Ali Baba removed his few goods
openly to his sister-in -law's house, in which he was to live in the future; but the money he had taken from the robbers was carried thither by night. As for Cassim's warehouse, Ali Baba put it entirely under the charge of his eldest so

While all this was going on, the forty robbers again visited their cave in the forest. Great was their surprise to find Cassim's body taken away, with some of their bags of gold.

"We are certainly found out," said the captain, "the body and the money have been taken by someone else who knows our secret. For our own lives' sake, we must try and find him. What say you, my lads

The robbers all agreed that this must be done.

One of the robbers, without waiting to know what the rest might think, started up, and said, "I submit to this condition, and thin
k it an honor to expose my life to serve the troop."
你主人的尸体在两只驮篮里。 我们埋葬他时,必须装得像自自然然死去的一般。 你现在去告诉女主人。 我把这件事交给你,运用你机智和巧妙的方法吧!」
C 丧事后三、四天,阿里巴巴把他少量的货物用公开的方式搬到嫂子家中,他后来就住在这里,到了夜间,才把从盗窟里取来的金钱搬了过来。 至于寇米的货栈,阿里巴巴完全让他的长子去管理。
在这些事进行的时候,四十大盗又去森林中探视他们的洞穴。 他们一见寇米的尸体被偷了,同时有许多金币袋子也被取走,于是大为震惊!
C 「我们无疑地已被发现了!」盗贼首领说:「尸体和金钱是被另一个知道我们秘密的人窃去了。 为我们自己的生命着想,我们要设法找寻他。 我的伙伴们,你们认为呢?」


文章标签:双语阅读  十大  
