

I have come here by a very strange way, and I ask you to protect me. I do not
know where I am, but I know no harm can come to me when I see before me so fair a Princess."

"You are in the kingdom of Bengal," she replied, "and I am the daughter of the King. I am living in my o
wn palace in the country. You may be sure that no harm will come to you. I am very curious to know how you came, but first you shall have food and sleep."

Then the Princess calle
d her maids. At the command of the Princess, they led the Prince into a hall, where they gave him food and drink. Then they led him to a room where he could sleep and left him.

s soon as it was light, the Princess of Bengal arose and dressed herself in the most splendid robes she had. When she was at last ready, she sent word to the Prince that she would receive him.

Prince went at once into her presence and made a low bow, and thanked her for the honor she had done him. He then gave her an account of the strange way in which he had come, and said that he would now mount his horse and go back to Pe
我会到这儿来实在是非常的奇妙,请你保护我。 我不知身在何处。不过当我觉得自己身在这样一个美丽的公主面前时,我知道不会有危险了。」
「你在孟加拉的境内,」她回答:「我是皇上的女儿。 我住在属于自己的乡村皇宫里。 你不必有什么疑虑;对你也绝不会有危险的。 我非常好奇想知道你是怎样来的,但是你先吃些东西睡一觉吧!」

于是公主叫唤婢女。 在公主命令之下,她们领着王子到一所大厅中,给他食物和饮料。 然后再领他到寝室,她们便离开了。
天亮之后,孟加拉公主起身穿著最华丽的衣服。。 打扮之后,便传话给王子说要见他。
王子立刻到她面前,深深行了一鞠躬,谢谢她给与的好意。 然后把来这儿之前奇怪的经过报告公主,并说他现在想立刻骑这匹马回波斯去。

