

The next morning the Princes met him early in the forest, and when the heat of the day oblige
d them to leave off the chase, they made their way to the house, where the Princess Periezadeh was waiting to receive them.

Then the Emperor was led through the rooms. "My daughter," said he, "do you
call this a country house. The finest and largest cities would soon be deserted if all country houses were like yours. I do not wonder that you despise the town. Now let me see the garden."

Here he was first amazed by the concert which he heard, without being able to see any players. "It is the singing tree," said Periezadeh, "it came to me at the same time with the yellow water and the speaking
bird, which your majesty may see after you have rested yourself."

"I must come often and see this," he said at last, "but now let us go and see the speaking bird."

The Emperor ent
ered the hall; and, as the bird continued singing, the Princess raised her voice, and said, "My slave, here is the Emperor; pay your compliments to him."

The bird left off singing that instant, when all the other bird
s ceased also; then it said: "God save the Emperor. May he long live!" The repast was served at the sofa near the window where the bird was placed, and the Emperor replied, as he was taking his seat.

于是陛下被引导到客房。 「我的女孩,」他说:「你说这是村舍吗? 要是村舍都是这样,那么华丽伟大的城里,便要断绝人迹了。 所以你不喜欢都市的原因是不足为奇的。 现在让我看看花园。」
到了之后,首先令他惊奇的就是所听见的音乐,因为他没见到乐手。 「这是歌唱树,」特侣嘉说:「它和能言鸟和黄金水一起到了我这里,在陛下您休息一会儿之后,都可以看见它们的。」
鸟在这时停止了歌唱,其余的鸟也同时停止歌唱,然后它说道:「上帝祝福陛下。 吾皇万岁!」 筵席便设在靠近安置能言鸟的窗旁的沙发上,陛下入席时回答道。

