

But Prince Bahman urged him to speak, and at last he said: "Sir, I know the way you ask of me, but
the dangers are greater than you suppose. Many gentlemen as brave as yourself have asked me this question, and not one of them has come back, Therefore, if you would not perish, take my advice. Go no farther, but retu
rn home."

"No matter," said the Prince, "since you know the way, tell me it."

When the Dervish found that he could not move Prince Bahman from his purpose, he took a bowl out of a
bag that lay by him, and said: "Since you will not be led by my advice, take this bowl; when you have mounted your horse, throw it before you, and follow it to the foot of the mountain. When the bowl stops there, alight, leave your hors
e with the bridle over his neck, and he will stand in the same place till you return. As you ascend, you will see about you a great number of large black stones, and will hear many voices on all sides, uttering a thousand threats to kee
p you from reaching the top of the mountain. Be not afraid, but above all things, do not turn your head to look behind you, for in that instant you will be changed into such a black stone as those you see, which are all youths who have
failed in this quest.
但巴伦王子催促着,后来他才说道:「先生!我知道你所问的道路,但是危险之大是你想象不到的。 许多和你一般勇敢的男士们曾问过我这个问题,然而没有一人是生还的。所以,假使你不愿意死,就请接受我的劝告。 不要前进,回家去吧!」
当回教隐士觉得自己不能说服王子,使他放弃他的目的时,就从放在他旁边的袋子里取出一只碗,说道:「你既不愿听从我的忠告,那么请收下这只碗,你上马的时候,就把碗丢在你的前面,然后一直跟着它到山脚下。 直到碗不再滚动时,就下马并把马颈上的马绳绑好,留马在那儿,它会一直站在那儿等你回来的。 当你上山的时候,在身旁就会看见许多大的黑石头;听见到处传出声音,发出无数的恐吓来阻止你到达山顶。 但你不要害怕,千万不要回头观望,因为就在回头的一剎那间,你就会变成所见的黑石头其中之一了!他们都是从前寻找三宝而失败的青年。

