

The Story of the Enchanted Horse

New Year's Day is a great feast day in Persia. On one of these feast days, the Emperor of Persia was seated on his throne in the midst of his people, when a Hindu appeared leading a strange horse, the Hindu knelt before the throne and
pointed to the horse.

"This horse," he said to the Emperor, "is a great wonder. If mount him I can make him go through the air to any place I choose, and he will go in a very short time. No one has ever seen such a wonder, and I have brought him here to show to you. If you wish, I will show you what he can do."

The Emperor was very fond of strange things, and he was much ple
ased at such a sight. So he told the Hindu to mount his horse. The Hindu did so, and asked where he was to ride.

"Do you see that far-off mountain?" said the Emperor. "Ride your horse there, and bring a branch of a palm tree that grows at the foot of it." No sooner had the Emperor said this than the Hindu turned a peg which was in the horse's neck near the saddle, and away went the horse into
the air and straight toward the mountain.
在波斯的所有节日中,新年是一个重大的日子。 到了新年的这一天,波斯皇帝坐在他的宝座上,这时有个印度人领着一匹奇怪的马出现,印度人跪在宝座前指着这匹马──。
「这匹马,」他对皇帝说:「真是一匹奇异的宝物。 骑着它便能在空中行走,而且我想到那里,它便会带我到那里,甚至可到任何地方,并且顷刻间就能到达。 谁都不曾见过这样神奇的东西!我带它来展示给陛下看。 您若愿意,我就能叫它把能力表现出来。」
这个皇帝非常喜欢一些奇奇怪怪的东西,对此非常高兴。 所以他叫印度人骑他的马。 印度人照吩咐做了,并且请示骑到何处。

「你看见远处的山吗?」皇帝说。 「骑到那里去,在山脚下的棕榈树上,折一枝棕榈叶回来。」 皇帝刚刚说完,这人即旋转在靠近马鞍和脖子上的木桩,于是马即飞向空中往山岭而去。

