

The second is the singing tree, the leaves of which are so many mouths, which form an harmonious c
oncert of different voices, and never cease. The third is the yellow water of a gold color, a single drop of which being poured into a vesselproperly prepared, increases so as to fill it at once, and rises up in the middle like a fount
ain, which always plays, and yet the basin never ever flows."

"Ah, my good mother," cried the Princess, "how much I thank you for the knowledge of these marvels, of which I have never heard! Surely y
ou know where they are to be found, and will do me the favor to tell me."

"Madam," replied the good woman, "I am glad to tell you that they are all to be met with in the same spot on the borders of this kingdom, towar
ds India. The road lies before your house, and whoever you send needs but to follow it for twenty days, and on the twentieth let him ask the first person he meets where the speaking bird, the singing tree and the yellow water are, and h
e will be informed." After saying this, she departed.

When the Princes returned from hunting, they found the Princess Periezadeh so silent and pensive that they thought she must be ill. It was same time before she would answer their questions at all, and then she said: "I always believed that this house, which our father built us, lacked nothing.
第二是会歌唱的树,它的每片叶子都是一张嘴,组成了和谐的和声音乐,而且这音乐是永远不会停止的。 第三是黄金水,只要有一滴黄金水,把它洒在预备妥当的瓶子当中,就能涨满一大瓶,放在盘子里喷起水来如同涌泉一般,能时常喷着,可是盘子里却永不溢出水来。」
「喔!我的好教友,」公主嚷道:「我从未听说过这些奇物,我是多么的感谢你把它们告诉我! 当然你一定知道它们所在的地方,而且肯恩赐告诉我的。」
「姑娘!」好妇人回答说:「我很乐意告诉你,这些东西都在印度边界的地方。 路就在你的屋前,不论你派遣谁去,只要依照此路走二十天,在第二十天,使他问第一个遇着的人:能言鸟、歌唱树以及黄金水的所在,他就会得到答案的。」 她说完后就离去了。
王子们打猎回来时,见妹妹特侣嘉若有所思的沉默着,他们猜想她必定是生病了。 而这时她也不回答他们的问题,最后才说道:「我一直相信父亲盖给我们的房子,必是毫无匮乏的了。

