

The Story of Prince Ahmed

There w
as a Sultan of India, who after a long reign had reached a good old age. He had three sons: the eldest was named Houssain, the second Ali, the youngest Ahmed. He had also a beautiful niece who had grown up with his son

Now, when his niece was old enough to marry, the Sultan sought for a husband among the princes of the country. He called his three sons to him and said: "My sons, I see that it will go hard
with you. Your cousin loves each of you, but she can marry one only. We must find some way by which you can agree. Let each go on a journey to a separate country, and return here twelve months from t
oday. I will give you each a large sum of money, that you may travel as befits your rank. Then let each bring back some rare gift, and he who brings the rarest shall have the Princess, my niece."

They agreed to this, and set forth a day's journey together. At the end of the day, they slept at an inn, and when the morning came, they parted, agreeing to meet at the same place in a year lacking two days.
印度有一个回教君王,他统治国家已经很久了,年纪也老了。 他有三个儿子,长子名叫哈森;次子名叫阿里;最小的叫阿米德。 他还有个美丽的外甥女,从小和三个儿子一起长大。
如今,他的外甥女已届出嫁之期,君王想在王子们当中为她选择夫婿。 他叫三个儿子到面前来并说:「我的孩子们!我看这事对你们将会非常为难。 你们的表妹爱着你们每一个人,但是她祇能和其中一个结婚。 我们必须寻求一个令你们都能赞同的方法来解决。 你们每人分别到一个国家去旅行,从今天起十二个月之后再回来。 我会给你们每人一大笔钱,使你们在游历时可以合乎你们的身分。 并且带回一些珍宝,谁带的东西最稀奇,谁就得到公主──也就是我的外甥女。」

他们都表示赞同,出发那天他们走在一起。 到了晚上他们在一个小旅馆中寄宿,第二天早上就分开了,而约定在满一年的前两天到相同的地点会合。

