

The Fisherman and the Genie

There w
as once an old Fisherman who was very poor. Every morning he went out early to fish, but he had made it a rule never to cast his net more than four times a day.

One day, at dawn, he cast his net for
the last time. When he had waited long enough he drew the net in, and saw that it was very heavy.

There was not a fish in the net. Instead, the Fisherman drew out a copper jar. He took his knife and cut away the lead. Then he took the lid off. But he could see nothing inside. He turned the jar upside down, and tapped it on the bottom, but nothing came out. He set the jar upright again, and sat and looked at it.

Soon he saw a light smoke come slowly forth, then it gathered itself together into a solid mass, and there, before the Fisherman, stood a great giant o
f a Genie.

"Get down on your knees," said the Genie to the Fisherman. "For I am going to kill you."

"And why do you kill me? Did I not set you f
ree from the jar?"

"That is the very reason I mean to kill you; but I will grant you one favor."

从前有一个非常穷困的老渔夫。 每天清晨就出去打鱼,且每天规定自己至少要拋四次渔网,如此而成了一种习惯。

一天,正是黎明时刻,他拋了最后一次网。 且等了相当的时间把网拉回来,发觉非常的沉重。

渔网中一条鱼也没有。 相反的渔夫捞起的却是一个铜制的瓶子。 他用小刀割去了瓶口的铅。 然后他拿掉盖子。 但看见里边并没有任何东西。 他又把瓶子倒过来,轻轻拍打瓶底,但一点东西也不见出来。 他再把瓶子直立,坐着看它。

「跪下!」妖怪对渔夫说。 「因为我将杀你。」

C 「为什么要杀我呢? 我不是从瓶中救你出来吗?」

