

When the Queen gave birth to a young prince, as bright as the day, the child was given into t
he sisters' care, but they wrapped it up in a basket, and floated it away on a canal that ran near the palace, and declared that the Queen had given birth to a little dog. This made the Emperor very angry.

In the meantime, the basket in which the little Prince was exposed was carried by the stream towards the garden of the palace. By chance the keeper of the Emperor's gardens, one of the chief officers of the kingdom, was walking by
the side of this canal, and noticing the basket, called a gardener who was not far off, to pull it to shore with the rake he had in his hand.

When this was done, the keeper of the gardens was greatly surprised to see
in the basket a child, newly born, but with very fine features. As he had no children of his own, he bore it with delight to his wife in their house at the entrance to the garden, and said: "God has sent us this child. Provide a nurse, and treat him as if he were our own son. From this moment, I hold him as such." The keeper's wife received the child with great joy.

The next year the Queen bore ano
ther prince, whom her sisters treated in the same cruel way, pretending this time that the child was a cat.
当王后生了一个小王子时,王子长得像灿烂的白昼,王后把王子交给姊姊们照顾。但是她们却把王子包裹好放在篮里,丢在宫殿旁的河中任其飘流而去,同时却声称王后生了一只小狗。 因此使得皇帝非常愤怒。
这时,正在危险处境的篮中的小王子,被水流带着直向御花园而去。 碰巧花园的管理者──宫内重要的官员之一,他在河边散步,便注意到篮子,于是叫了个离他不远的园丁,用他手中的铁耙把它拖至岸上。
当这件工作完成了,御花园管理者见篮中竟是一个初生小孩,容貌甚为美丽,便大为惊讶! 他因为自己没有孩子,就快乐地看着他,并把孩子带回给妻子,他们的屋子是在花园的进口处,他对她说:「上帝赐给我们这个孩子。 C 雇个保母,把他当作是我们自己的儿子一般。 从今之后,我也会这般待他。」 他的妻子很高兴地接纳了孩子。

