

"Why do you weep?" he asked.

"I weep," she said, "because
of my sister, I have the honor to be the wife of the Sultan, but I love my sister, and I cannot bear the thought of saying good-bye to her now. Grant me one favor, let her pass this one night on a couch near me."

The Sultan had already been won by the beauty of Schehera-zade, and he found it easy to grant this favor. So the younger sister, Dinar-zade, was brought in. Now Schehera-zade had told her sister how she was t
o act, and about an hour before dawn, Dinar-zade who was wide-awake, spoke and said: "Sister, if you are not asleep, I wish you would tell me one of those delightful stories you know so well. It will soon be light." Sche
hera-zade turned to the Sultan and said: "Will Your Highness permit me to tell my sister a story?"

"Freely," said the Sultan, who liked stories himself, and Schehera-zade began to tell a story. She tol
d it in such a way that, when daylight came, she had reached the most interesting point. But at daylight the Sultan must rise and go to his council.
「我哭泣,」她说:「是因为我的妹妹,我虽获得作为君主妻子的荣耀,但我深爱妹妹,而不忍心向她诀别。 请赐给我恩典,让她今晚能靠近我的床边,和我同度这一夜!」
君主为司凯儿.瑞里的美色所迷惑,基于此因很轻易同意赐与这些恩惠。 所以她妹妹玲娜.瑞里便被带进宫中。 司凯儿.瑞里早已告诉妹妹该如何行动,因此大约在东方发白前的一小时,玲娜.瑞里正清醒着,她开口说道:「姊姊!假使你没有睡着,请讲一个你熟悉有趣故事给我听。 天就要亮了!」 司凯儿.瑞里转头对君主说:「陛下可否允许我讲一个故事给妹妹听呢?」
「随意,」君主说着。其实他自己也爱听故事。于是司凯儿.瑞里开始讲故事。 她讲的方式是:故意在讲到最后有趣的地方时,就刚巧是天明。 但是天亮之后,君主却必须起身去参加会议。

