

As soon as the vizier learned the Prince's birth and purpose, he called his daughter, and made he
r take off her veil. Never had the young Sultan of Bussorah beheld such a perfect and striking beauty. He stood amazed and taking out his glass at once found that it remained bright and clear.

When he knew that he had at last found such a person as he sought, he begged the vizier to grant her to him. The Cauzee was sent for at once, the contract signed, and the marriage prayer said. Then Mob
arec said to his master: "Let us begone, sire. Let us not stay any longer at Baghdad, but return to Cairo. Remember the promise you made the Sultan of the Genii."

"Let us go," an
swered the Prince. "I must take care to keep my word; yet I must confess, my dear Mobarec, the damsel is so charming that I am tempted to carry her to Bussorah, and place her on the throne."

When M
obarec had made all things ready for their journey, they returned to Cairo, and thence set out for the island of the Sultan of the Genii. When they were arrived, the maid, who had journeyed all the way in a litter, unseen by the Prince
ever since the marriage, said to Mobarec: "Where are we?
接着当首相得知王子的出身和目的之后,立即就叫女儿来命令她取去面纱。 年轻的巴沙罗君主从未见到这样完美动人的美人。 他站着发呆,于是取出镜子一看,则见镜子光亮而清楚。
当他明白已经找到所要找的人了,他恳求首相把女儿许配给他。 他们就立刻派人请祭师签了证书,作了结婚祷告。 于是莫比雷克对他主人说:「我们走吧!陛下。 我们不要再继续停留于巴格达了,回开罗去。 可要记着你曾对魔王所发的誓言。」

「我们走吧!」王子回答道。 「我必须小心履行我的诺言,然而我要忏悔,亲爱的莫比雷克,这位少女是那么的迷人,而我却诱骗她说要去巴沙罗,还要给她王后的地位。」
C 莫比雷克把所有旅行之事预备好之后,他们就回到开罗,由此向魔王岛启程出发。 他们到的时候,在舁床上过着旅行生活的姑娘,她自婚后就没看见过王子,便对莫比雷克说:「我们在何处了?

