

If not, you will have a charge to bring against him."

would you ask of him?" said the Sultan.

"Ask him to bring you a tent small enough to be carried in a man's hand, yet large enough to shelter your whole army," They all agreed that this was a wise plan to follow, and
the next day, when the Prince came to pay his respects, the Sultan said: "My son, I have learned that you have married Peri. It is only right that she should show her power for you, and that you should prove the honor you profe
ss for me. I am sure the Peri could easily give you for me a tent which a man could carry in his hand, but which would shelter my whole army. Ask her for it." The Prince was much troubled at this.

The Prince was greatly vexed, and he left the court at once, though he had not stayed his usual time. The Peri met him on his return, and saw that his face was sad. She asked him h
is trouble.

"I do not know how it was found out," said he, "but the Sultan, my father, has learned of our marriage." The Peri had a ready answer to give him. She told him that th
e woman he had helped was a spy.
否则的话,就可以用一个罪名使他招至惩罚。」 「你要他做些什么事呢?」君王说。
「要他给您一个小到可放在手中、大到可容纳军队的帐篷。」于是大家都以为这个计策是可以行得通的。第二天王子来请安的时候,君王就说:「我的儿子,我听说你和一个仙女结婚了。 她该把她的能力表现给你看,那才是正确的;而你也能因此证明对我的敬意。 我认为仙女一定可以很容易给你一个小到可放在一个人的手掌中、而又可大到容纳全军的帐篷。 向她要这个吧!」 王子于是非常烦恼。
C 王子非常焦急,虽然还没到他离开的时间,就立刻告别宫廷。 他回来时仙女便出来迎接,但见他面有忧色。 因此问他有何烦恼。
「我不知道怎么会被发现,」他说:「但是君王──我的父亲,已经知道我们俩的事了!」 仙女早已预备如何回答他了。 她告诉他那天所救的人就是个奸细。

