

The queen tried to dissuade him, but in vain. The Sultan begged her to go
vern the kingdom in his absence, and set out one night privately from his palace, and all alone took the road to Cairo.

After much trouble and fatigue, he arrived at that famous city. He alighted a
t the gate of a mosque, where, being spent with weariness, he lay down. No sooner was he fallen asleep than he saw the same old man, who said to him: "I am pleased with you, my son, you have believed me. Now, know I
have sent you on this long journey only to try you; I find you have courage and resolution. You deserve that I should make you the richest and happiest prince in the world. Return to Bussorah, and you shall find imme
nse wealth in your palace. No king ever possessed so rich a treasure."

Prince Zeyn was not pleased with this dream. "Also!" thought he to himself when he awoke, "how much was I m
istaken! That old man, whom I took for our Prophet, exists only in my disturbed brain. My fancy was so full of him that it is no wonder I have seen him again. I had best return to Bussorah; what sh
ould I do here any longer? It is fortunate that only my mother knows why I came hither; my people, if they knew, would make a jest of me."
王后试着想加以劝阻,但依然无效。 君主请求她在他不在的时候代为摄政,便在当夜从他的宫中私自启程,独自取道向开罗而去。
经过了许多的困难和劳累之后,他终于到达了那个著名的城市。 他在教堂前面下了马,因累极了而躺在地上。 而他一入睡,就见同一个老人对他说道:「我很喜欢你,我的孩子!你已经深信我了。 现在,应该知道我差遣你长途跋涉来此,祇不过是试探你而已!我觉得你有勇气和决心。 我要使你成为世上最富有、最快乐的君王,你已经有这样的资格了。 回到巴沙罗去,你就会在宫中寻找到无穷的财富。 那是从来没有一位帝王得到过的丰厚宝藏。」

济恩王子对这个梦非常闷闷不乐。 「唉!」他醒来时自己想道:「我是错得多么离谱啊! 我认为先知的那个老人,原只是存在我杂乱的思绪中而已! 我的幻想之中充满了他,所以再见他是不足为奇的。 最后我还是必须回巴沙罗去,我在这里没有什么可做的事了吗? 幸好只有母亲知道我为何来此,百姓如果知道了,一定把我当作笑柄的。」

