

Then he turned to the Grand Vizier and said: "Behold, admire, wonder! And c
onfess that your eyes never beheld jewels so rich and beautiful before. What sayest thou to such a present? Is it not worthy of the Princess, my daughter? Ought I not to bestow her on one who values h
er a so great price?"

"I cannot but own," replied the Grand Vizier, "that the present is worthy of the Princess. But wait for three months. Before that time I hope my son, whom you
regard with favor, will be able to make a nobler present than this Aladdin, of whom your majesty knows nothing."

The Sultan granted this request, and said to Aladdin's mother: "Good woman, go home, and tell your son t
hat I agree to what you have proposed, but I cannot marry the Princess, my daughter, for three months. At the end of that time come again."

The news which Aladdin's mother brought home filled him and
her with joy. When two of the three months were gone, Aladdin's mother went out one evening to buy some oil, and found the streets full of joyful people, and officers busy with preparation for some festival.

"What does it mean?" she asked the oil merchant.
于是他转向首相说道:「注意看啊!真奇妙啊! 我敢说你从未见过这样贵重而美丽的宝石呢。 对于这样的礼物你怎么说呢? 这是否和公主──我的女儿相配? 我应不应该将她赐给一个这么看重她的人呢?」
「我不得不承认,」首相回答说:「礼物很配得上公主。 但是请等待三个月吧! 三个月之内,我希望一直受您恩宠的我的儿子,能献上个礼物,比您不认识的阿拉丁的礼物更为尊贵。」
君主答应了这个请求,对阿拉丁的母亲说:「好妇人!且回家去,告诉你儿子说我同意你所提议的,但在三个月内,我不能把公主嫁过去。 三个月后你再来好了。」
阿拉丁的母亲所带回的消息,使她的儿子充满了喜悦。 过了两个月,某一天晚上阿拉丁的母亲出去买油,见满街都是欢欣鼓舞的人民,官吏们都忙着预备宴会。

C 「它意味着什么?」她问油商。

