

He opened his gates for the mules to go into the yard, and ordered a slave to put them in a stable
and feed them when they were unloaded, then called Morgiana to get a good supper for his guest. After supper, he charged her afresh to take good care of the stranger, and said to her: "Tomorrow morning I intend to go to the bath before
day; take care to have my bathing linen ready, give it to Abdalla (which was his slave's name), and make me some good broth against my return." After this, he went to bed.

In the meantime, the capta
in of the robbers went into the yard, and took off the lid of each jar, and told his people what they must do. To each, in turn, he said; "As soon as I throw some stones out of the chamber window where I lie, do not fail to come out, an
d I will join you at once."

To carry out Ali Baba's orders, Morgiana got his bathing linen ready, and bade Abdalla to set on the pot for the broth; but soon the lamp went out, and there was no more oil in the house, n
or any candles. She knew not what to do, till the slave reminded her of the oil jars in the yard. She thanked him for the thought, took the oil pot, and went out.
他开门让骡子进了院子,命奴仆牵入马厩,卸装后予以喂饲,然后命马姬娜为客人预备一餐丰盛美味的晚饭。 饭后,他又嘱咐她好好的照料客人。并对她说:「明晨我打算在日出前洗澡,注意把我的浴巾预备好交给仆人阿加拉,再叫她做些好汤,以便我回来时食用。」 C 嘱咐后,他就上床睡了。
C 这时,盗贼首领走进庭院,移开罐盖授与他们行事机宜。 他轮流对每个人说:「当我在寝室中丢出石子时,不要忘了出来,我也会立刻和你们会合的。」
为依照阿里巴巴的命令,马姬娜把浴巾准备好了,命令阿加拉摆放锅子去烧汤,但不久灯却熄灭了,屋子里一点油也没有,又没有蜡烛。 她不知如何是好,直到奴仆提醒她,院子里多的是油罐。 她谢了他的好主意,便取了瓶子走出去。

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