

No sooner had she begun to rub it than a hideous genie of gigantic size appeared before her,
and said in a voice of thunder: "What wouldst thou have? I am ready to obey thee as thy slave, and the slave of all those who have the lamp in their hands ��I, and the other slaves of the lamp."

In te
rror at the sight, Aladdin's mother fainted; but the boy, who had already seen a genie, said boldly. "I am hungry; bring me something to eat."

The genie disappeared, and returned in an instant with a
large silver tray, holding twelve covered silver dishes filled with tempting victuals, six large white bread and cakes on plates, two flagons of wine, and two silver cups. All these he placed upon a carpet, and disappeared before Aladd
in's mother had come out of her swoon.

When she was herself again, they satisfied their hunger, and still there was enough food for the rest of that day, and two meals on the next. This they put asid
e, and Aladdin's mother made him tell of all that had passed between him and the genie during her swoon. The simple woman thought it all a dangerous and wicked business, and begged Aladdin to sell both the lamp and ring; but he persuade
d her to let him keep them both, on the condition that she should have nothing to do with genies again.
她刚开始擦灯,就有个丑陋吓人的妖怪出现在她面前,说话时声如巨雷:「你要什么? 我预备服从你,正像你的奴隶一般,这灯在谁的手里,我和其它属于这灯中的奴隶就属于谁。」
C 阿拉丁的母亲见此妖怪,就晕倒了,但是已看过妖怪的阿拉丁却勇敢的说。 「我饿了,给我些吃的东西。」
妖怪不见了,突然间又回来,带了银盘,盘子中有十二个银碟,盛满美味的食物,六个巨大的白面包和蛋糕放在盘子里,两瓶葡萄酒,和两只银杯。 他把这些都放在地毯上之后,便在阿拉丁的母亲苏醒之前消失了。
C 她醒来时,他们饱餐了一顿,所剩余的食物,仍然够今天及明天两餐用。 他们把这事撇开不谈,阿拉丁的母亲叫儿子告诉她,当她晕倒时他和妖怪的经过情形。 这个单纯的妇人以为这完全是一件危险而败德的事件,求阿拉丁把灯和戒指两者都卖掉,但是阿拉丁说服母亲让他两样都保留,不过约定没事不再找妖怪了。

