

If our coming into this island pleases him not, he will appear in the shape of a dreadful monster
; if it pleases him, he will show himself in the shape of a handsome man. You must rise at once and salute him without going off your mat; for you would certainly perish should you stir from it. You must say to him,
'Lord of the Genii, I wish your majesty may protect me, as you always protected my father; and I most humbly beg of you to give me the ninth statue!'"

Then Mobarec began his magic rite. Instantly t
heir eyes were dazzled by a long flash of lightning followed by a clap of thunder. The whole island was covered with a thick darkness, a furious storm of wind blew, a dreadful cry was heard, the island felt a shock, as of an earthquake
, and the Sultan of the Genii appeared in the shape of a very handsome man, yet there was something terrific in his air.

When King Zeyn had spoken the words taught him by Mobarec, the Sultan of the Genii, smiling, an
swered: "My son, I loved your father, and each time he came to pay me his respects, I gave him one of his statues. I have no less kindness for you. Some days before your father died, I made him write the words
you read on the white satin.
假使它不乐意我们进入这座岛,当它出现时就会变为可怕的怪物;要是它欢喜,就会显形为一个美男子。 那时你必须立刻起身向它行礼,却不要离开草席,因为你要是离开草席就会死亡。 你必须对它说:「魔王!我愿大王保护我,就如您时常保护我的父亲一般,我非常诚恳的请求您把第九个神像赐给我。」

于是莫比雷克开始他的魔法仪式。 转瞬间他们的眼睛被一道很长的闪光所眩耀,接着是一阵雷声。 全岛被漆黑遮蔽着,吹起一阵大风,听见一声可怕的叫喊,小岛感觉一阵震动犹如地震一般,魔王出现时,外形有如美男子,但多少有些可怕的样子。
当济恩王子说了莫比雷克教给他的话时,魔王微笑着回答着:「我的孩子!我爱你的父亲,他每次来表示敬意时,我给他一个神像。 我对你的善意并不会减少。 在你父亲死前,我教他写你在白缎上所读到的文字。

