

Just as they began to fear that he might not find their house, the African magician knocked at the
door, and came in, bringing wine and fruits of every sort. After words of greeting to them both, he asked only to be placed where he might face the sofa on which Mustapha used to sit.

Then he told A
laddin's mother how he had left their native land of China forty years ago, had traveled in many lands, and finally settled in Africa. The desire had seized him to see his brother and his home once more, and therefore he had come, alas!
Too late.

Soon after supper the stranger took his leave.

Early the next morning the magician came for Aladdin, saying they would spend that day in the country, and on the next wou
ld buy the shop. So away they walked through the gardens and palaces outside of the city. Each palace seemed more beautiful than the last, and they had gone far before Aladdin thought the morning half gone. Still farther into the country, till they nearly reached the place, between two mountains, where the magician intended to do the work that had brought him from Africa to China.

"We will go no farther now," said h
e to Aladdin. "I will show you here some strange things. While I strike a light, gather me all the loose, dry sticks you can see, to kindle a fire with."
当他们正担心他找不着屋子时,碰巧非洲魔术师正在敲门,并带着酒和各种水果走进来。 他向他俩问候之后,要求只要坐在可以面对孟士欧常坐的沙发之处就可以了。
C 然后他告诉阿拉丁的母亲,他如何在四十年前离开出生的地方──中国,游历了许多地方后而留在非洲。 但想再回来看看哥哥和他的家庭的渴望侵袭着他,因此他回来了,可惜却太迟了!

翌日清晨,魔术师来找阿拉丁,并且说他俩将在乡间消磨一整天,并将去买一家店铺。 所以他们就出去了。经过了城外的花园和宫殿。 每一个宫殿看来似乎比先前的更为美好,他们已跑得很远了,阿拉丁才想到早晨已过去一半。 他们仍然一直往更远的乡村去,一直到两山之间的一块平地才停下来,而这位魔术师从非洲到中国来所要做的工作也即将展开。

「我们不要走远了,」他对阿拉丁说。 「在这里我要展现一些奇怪的事情给你看。 当我点火时,你聚集所有看得见松散而干燥的柴草,以便点火燃烧用。」

