

He lost no time in drawing up a petition to the Caliph that he should try the merchant himself, a
nd received an answer that the trial would take place on the next day.

That same evening the Caliph, with his Grand Vizier Giafar and Mesroun, the chief of the attendants, went disguised through the town, as he was w
ont to do. Hearing a noise as he passed the entrance to a little court, he looked in and saw the twelve children at play in the moonlight. Curious to know what they were doing, he sat down on a stone bench nearby, an
d heard one of the foremost of the children say, "Let us play at the cauzee."

The affair of Ali Cogia and the merchant had made a great noise in Baghdad, and the children who had heard of it took to the game with eag
erness, and agreed on the part each was to act. The boy who proposed the sport was to be the cauzee. When he had taken his seat with much gravity, another, as an officer of the court, presented two boys before him, o
ne as Ali Cogia and the other as the accused merchant.

The pretended cauzee then asked the pretended Ali Cogia what charge he had to bring against the merchant. After making a low bow, he told his
story, and begged the cauzee to save him the loss of so much money.
当天晚上,回教君王和首相捷弗及侍卫队长麦隆,像往常一样的乔装打扮巡遍城内。 当他经过一条院落的门口时,听到一种声音,窥视之下,见十几个孩子在月光下游玩。 他一时好奇,想知道他们玩些什么,于是坐在临近处的木凳上,就听到一个为首的孩子说:「让我们玩法律的游戏吧!」
当时阿里寇奇和商人的案件,在巴格达已闹得满城风雨,所以小孩们也已听说,便热烈玩起游戏,决定了每人所扮演的角色。 提议玩这游戏的孩子扮成法官。 当他很神气地入座之后,另一扮作法庭上官员的孩子,带上两个孩子:一个算是阿里寇奇;另一个算是被告的商人。

假法官于是问阿里寇奇对商人要控告些什么。 他深深一鞠躬,把事实经过说了一遍,然后请求法官设法帮助他,以便追回千元的损失。

