

His hope is the greater because he has tried to carry out your own wish."

With delight the Sultan replied: "Go and tell your son that I wait with open arms to embrace him, the more haste he makes to come and receive the Princess, my daughter, from my hands, the greater pleasure he will give me."

While he showed the slaves and the jewels to the Princess, Aladdin's mother carried the good news to her son.

Aladdin was overjoyed, but, saying little, retired to his chamber. Her
e he rubbed the lamp, and, when its slave appeared, said, "Genie, convey me at once to a bath, and give me the richest robe ever worn by a monarch."

This was soon done, and, he found himself again in his own chamber,
where the genie asked if he had any other commands.

"Yes," answered Aladdin, "bring me a charger better than the best in the Sultan's stables. Fit him with trappings worthy of his value. Furnish twenty slaves, clothed as richly as those who carried the presents to the Sultan, to walk by my side and follow me, and twenty more to go before me in two ranks. Besides these, bring my mother six women slaves, as richly dre
ssed as any of the Princess Buddir al Buddoor's each carrying a complete dress fit for a Sultan's wife.
阿拉丁大喜过望,但不声不响地回到自己房间中。 他擦了灯,当灯奴出现时,他说:「妖怪,立刻带我去沐浴,给我穿戴君主们从未穿过的最豪华的衣服。」
C 一剎那间这事就完成了,他觉得又回到自己房间中,妖怪问他可有其它的命令。
C 「有的,」阿拉丁说:「给我一匹比君主马棚里最好的还要好的马。 C 装饰相称的鞍辔等物。 C 预备二十个奴仆,其穿著之华丽一如带礼物给君主的奴隶一样,随行在我旁边和后面;还有二十个人,分两行在前面开路。 此外带六个女奴给我母亲,服装之华丽要和公主的女奴相等,而且每人穿著和君主的妻妾相配的全副衣服。

