

On the twentieth day, he met the Dervish and asked the same question as his brother, Bahman. The old man told him that a young gentleman, who looked very like him, had gone by a short time before, and had not yet returned. He warned Prince Perviz, as had warned his brother, of all the dangers that must be met,
and begged him to turn back. But at last, when he saw that the young man could not be moved, he gave him a bowl with the same instructions he had given Prince Bahman, and so let him depart.

The bowl
stopped as before at the foot of the mountain, and Prince Perviz began to walk up, with his mind resolved to reach the summit. But before he had gone above six steps he heard a voice which seemed to be near, as of a man behind, saying i
n a tone of insult: "Stay, youth, that I may punish you for your rashness."

Then the Prince forgot the Dervish's advice, clapped his hand upon his sword, and turned about to revenge himself, and he and his horse were
changed at once into black stones.
到了第二十天,他遇到回教隐士,便和哥哥巴伦一般的问了问题。 老人告诉他,有个非常像他的青年,不久前曾从这里经过,但到目前尚未回来。 他警告托维斯王子像警告他的哥哥一般,他必定会遇到所有的危险而请他回去。 但到了最后,他无法说动这位青年,于是给了他一个碗,以指导巴伦王子的方式同样的教导他该注意的地方,而他就这样离开了。
犹如之前一样的停在山脚下,托维斯开始登山,意志坚决地要到达山顶。 但走了六步,他听见身旁发出声音,好象有人在后面,用辱骂他的口气说道:「停止!年轻人,让我可以处罚你的轻浮和急躁。」

