

"Dear son, it cost me much toil to procure these eight statues, but though they are wonderfu
lly beautiful, you must know that there is a ninth in the world, which surpasses them all, that alone is worth more than a thousand such as these. If you desire to be master of it, go to the city of Cairo in Egypt. O
ne of my old slaves, whose name is Mobarec, lives there; you will easily find him. Visit him, and tell him all that has befallen you. He will conduct you to the place where that wonderful statue is, and you will obta
in it in safety."

Having read these words, the young Sultan said to the queen: "I will set out for Grand Cairo, nor do I believe, madam, that you will oppose my going."

"No, my s
on," answered the queen: "you are certainly under the special care of our great Prophet. He will not suffer you to perish."


The Prince took with him only
a small number of slaves, and, arriving safe at Cairo, inquired for Mobarec. He found him to be one of the wealthiest men of the city, living like a great lord, in a house always open to strangers. Zeyn was shown to
it, and knocked at the gate, which was opened by a slave, who demanded, "what do you want? and who are you?"
「亲爱的儿子!我费尽千辛万苦获得这八个神像,虽然它们是美丽得那么不可思议,但你该知道在世界上还有第九个,它胜过这一切,单单只有它就要比这些千余个神像更有价值。 假如你要获得它,可到埃及的开罗去。 我有个老仆名叫『莫比雷克』就住在那儿,你可以很容易的找到他。 你去探望并告诉他你的一切经过。 他会领你到稀世神像的所在处,你就会平安获得它。」
「不,我儿!」王后答道:「你当然是在我们伟大先知的特别保护之下。 他不会让你遇到意外的。」
王子祇带了很少的仆人,于是在平安抵达开罗之后,就去拜访莫比雷克。 得知他是城中的首富之一,生活起居和王室相似,他所住的房子是时常欢迎陌生客人的。 济恩被领到他的门前,敲门后有个奴仆开门问道:「你要什么?你是谁?」

