

"Whence came you, good woman," said he, "you do not know that the Grand Vizier's son is to marry the Princess Buddir al Buddoor, the Sultan's daughter, tonight?"

Home she ran to Aladdin and cried: "Child, you are undone! The Sultan's fine promises will come to nought. This
night the Grand Vizier's son is to marry the Princess."

Aladdin was thunderstruck, but wasted no time in idle words against the Sultan. He went at once to his chamber, took the lamp, rubbed it in the
same place as before, when instantly the genie appeared, and said to him: "What wouldst thou have? I am ready to obey thee as thy slave I, and the other slaves of the lamp."

"Hear me," said Aladdin
, "thou hast hitherto obeyed me, but now I am about to impose on thee a harder task. The Sultan's daughter, who was promised me as my bride, will this night be wed to the son of the Grand Vizier. Bring them both hither
to me when they are married."

"Master," replied the genie, "I obey you."

Aladdin did not have to wait long after supping with his mother and going to his chamber to be shown again
that the genie was indeed his faithful slave. On this night and the next, the Princess and the Grand Vizier's son were borne away from the Sultan's palace in a manner which none could understand, not even themselves.

她跑回家找到阿拉丁,叫道:「孩子,你毁了! 君主的允诺将落空了。 今夜首相的儿子要和公主结婚了。」
阿拉丁如遭雷击,但是他不会白白耗费时间,以无益的话去对抗君主。 他立刻回到自己的房间中,拿起灯摩擦,妖怪顷刻间出现,对他说:「你要什么? 我已准备服从你,我和其它属于这灯的奴隶正如你的奴隶一般。」
「是的!」阿拉丁说:「到目前为止你确实都服从我,但现在我要你做一件较困难的事情。 君主的女儿曾答应做我的妻子,但她今天晚上将和首相的儿子结婚。 在他们成婚时,将他们都带到这儿来。」

C 「主人!」妖怪说:「遵命。」
C 阿拉丁和他母亲晚饭之后,不久就回自己房间,再一次发现妖怪确是他忠诚的奴隶。 话说这一夜到次日,公主和首相的儿子在宫中被人带走,带走的情形无人得知,就连他们本身也毫不知情。

