

When the caravan started, Ali Cogia, riding a camel-loaded with the goods he thought fit to
carry, started with it.

All this time, his friend, with whom he had left the jar of olives, never thought of him nor of them. One evening the merchant was supping with his family when the talk hap
pened to fall upon olives, and his wife, wishing to eat some, said she had not tasted any for a long while.

"Now you speak of olives," said the merchant, "you put me in mind of a jar which Ali Cogia left to me seven
years ago, when he went to Mecca, putting it himself into my warehouse. What is become of him I don't know. When the caravan came back, they told me he was borne for Egypt. Certainly he must be dea
d by this time, and we may eat the olives if they prove good. Give me a plate and a candle, I will go and fetch some of them, that we may taste them."

"Pray, husband," said his wife, "do not commit
so base a deed."

But the merchant would not listen. When he came to the warehouse and opened the jar, he found the olives moldy, but, to see if all were moldy to the bottom, he turned some of them
upon the plate, and in shaking the jar some of the gold tumbled out.
在这段时间,他寄存橄榄瓶子的朋友从未想到他或橄榄瓶子的事。 有一天晚上,商人和他的家人用餐时,偶尔谈到橄榄,他妻子想吃橄榄,说是很久没吃过了。
「现在你说到橄榄,」商人说:「你使我想起数年前阿里寇奇去麦加时,留在我这里的一个瓶子,他自己把瓶子放在我的仓库里。 我不知道他现在如何了。 旅行队回来时,他们告诉我,说他往埃及去了。 想必他现在一定是死了,假使橄榄没有坏,我们就可以吃了它。 给我个盘子和蜡烛,我去拿一些来,我们可以尝一尝它。」


但商人丝毫不听。 他到了仓库,把瓶子打开见橄榄烂了,但想再看一看底下的是否也都烂了,他倒了些在盘子里,摇瓶子时,有些金币便被他摇出来了。。

