

They joined their servants, and returned with them to Cairo.


When they had rested a few days, Mobarec told Zeyn that he knew a very shrewd old woman who would help them. Thus a number of beautiful maidens of fifteen years of age were brought before Kin
g Zeyn, but when he had viewed them and tested them with the glass, it always became clouded. After finding that there were no maidens in Cairo who did not wish to be married, Zeyn and Mobarec went to Baghdad, where they hired a great
palace, and soon made acquaintance with the chief people of the city.

At this time there lived at Bagdad an Imam named Boubekir Muezin, famous for his charity. To him Mobarec went and offered a pur
se of five hundred gold pieces, in the name of Prince Zeyn, to be given to the poor. The next day Boubekir Muezin waited on Prince Zeyn to return to him his thanks, and, on hearing the purpose of his visit to Baghdad, told him of a you
ng maiden, the daughter of a former vizier of the Sultan of Baghdad, of whom he felt sure that she would fulfill the required terms. He offered to ask her from her father as the wife of the Prince, if he would go with him to her father
's mansion.
休息数日之后,莫比雷克告诉济恩,说他认识一个非常聪明的老妇人,或许能有助于他们。 所以,有许多年纪十五岁的美丽姑娘们便因此被带到济恩王子面前,但当他用镜子一一试验之后,镜子总是昏暗不明。 他既见开罗没有适合的女子,济恩和莫比雷克就往巴格达方向来了,他们在这里租了一所高大的房子,而且不久就和这里的重要人士们打成一片了。
此时,巴格达城里有个以布施出名的祭师,名叫巴比可麦。 莫比雷克用王子的名义,送给他五百个金币,作为布施贫户之用。 第二天,巴比可麦便来谒见济恩王子并向他道谢,他一听说济恩来巴格达的目的之后,就告诉他这里有一个年轻的姑娘,她是曾担任巴格达君主首相的女儿,他觉得她的才貌一定能合适这些必要的条件。 假使王子愿意和他一起到她父亲家里走一趟,他自愿去请求她父亲,把她许配为王子的妻子。

