

"This is a very simple tube," said the Prince, "why do you ask such a high price for it?"

"It is true," said the crier, "for if you own the tube, you have but to look through it, and you can see whatever you wish to see. Indeed, you may now try it, and see if I am not right."

So Prince Ali wished to see his father, the Sultan, and he looked through the tube and saw him on his throne, looking well and happy. At that he gladly paid his forty purses, for he was sure there could be no greater

Now Prince Ahmed, the youngest, made his way to Arabia, and as he walked through a bazaar he heard a crier, with an apple in his hand, calling out that he would sell it for thirty-five purses.

"Thirty-five purses," he said, "an apple for thirty-five purses? Why do you ask such a high price for it? I see nothing wonderful about it."

"It is true," said t
he crier, "for it will cure any sick person, even if he is at the point of death. He has but to smell of it, and he will be made well at once."

"Let us try it," said the Prince, "and if you prove wha
t you say, I will give you forty purses for the apple." So they went to see the sick man, who smelled of the apple and was at once cured.
「的确!」叫卖者说:「因为假使你拥有了它,那么无论你心中想看什么东西,都能在管中见到。 你现在可以试一试,看我说的是不是当真。」
C 阿里王子想见他的父王,就从管中一看,果然见他坐在宝座上,看来健康而又快乐。 因此,他付了四十金元,因为他认为一定再没有比这更伟大的礼物了。
「三十五个金元!」他说:「一个苹果要三十五个金元? 你为何卖这么贵? 我看不出它有什么稀奇的地方。」
「的确!」叫卖者说:「但是因为它能治愈任何病人,就是快要死的人也可治好。 病人祇要嗅一嗅这个苹果,马上就痊愈。」
C 「我们去试验一下吧!」王子说:「假如你能证明你所说的,我将给你四十个金元。」 所以他们去看病人,病人一嗅苹果,果然立即痊愈。

