

The Travelers

While they wer
e talking, they saw two priests coming along the road. Each was riding on a big mule. Their faces were half covered to protect their eyes from the dust. Behind them came a carriage, four or five peopl
e on horses, and two mule-drivers, walking. In the carriage was a lady, going to Seville to meet her husband.

The priests were strangers to the lady; but they were traveling in the same direction. Because their faces were covered, they looked strange. When he saw them, Don Quixote cried out to Sancho, "If I am not greatly mistaken, here is an unusual adventrue. These two men are certainly wicked magi
cians. They have made some princess prisoner and are taking her away in that carriage. It is my duty to rescue the lady."

"Be careful what you do, sir," said Sancho. "You may get into worse trouble than you did with the windmills. These men are priests, and the others are travelers. Surely it is the Devil who puts these ideas into you head."

"I h
ave told you already," answered Don Quixote, "that you know nothing of adventures. You will see that I have spoken the truth."
他俩正交谈之时,看到两个牧师顺着马路过来。 两个人各自骑着一匹骡子。 他们半蒙着脸,以防沙尘进入眼睛。 在他们身后来了一辆马车,四、五个人骑着马,还有两个步行赶骡子的人。 马车里有一位夫人,正要前往西维尔和她丈夫会面。
那位夫人并不认识牧师,但是他们都朝同一个方向前进。 但因为他俩的面孔蒙住,看起来很古怪。 看到他们时,唐吉诃德对桑科叫出声来:「假如我猜得不太离谱,这儿有一件非比寻常的奇遇。 这两人毫无疑问是邪恶的巫师。 他们囚禁了一位公主,且正用那个马车带走。 拯救这位夫人乃是我的职责。」
「小心行事吧,先生,」桑科说。 「你可能卷进麻烦,比你和那些风车的麻烦还要糟糕。 这两个人是牧师,而其它的都是旅人。 一定是魔鬼把这些念头放进你的脑袋里了。」
「我早就告诉过你,」唐吉诃德回答说:「你对冒险一无所知。 你将会明白我说的都是实话了。」
