

His attacker, Don Quixote, did not go after him. He stood there, looking at t
he basin very pleased. "The wicked man has acted wisely," he said to Sancho. "Get down, and give me that wonderful helmet. It is exactly the kind of helmet that I was looking for."

The Story of the Helmet

"It is an excellent basin," said Sancho, giving it to his master.

Don Quixote put the thing on his head and t
urned it round, looking for the visor. "This great helmet was made for a man with a very large head. I am sorry the visor has gone."

Hearing the basin again called a helmet, Sancho l
aughed. But an angry look from his master told him to be careful. He explained that he was laughing to think of the big head that once filled the bowl, "I have seen many helmets like that hanging up at barbers doors."

Don Quixote answered slowly, "I think this magic helmet belonged once to a foolish merchant. He saw that it was made of gold, and he cut it in two pieces. Then he sold half. The other half he changed into its present shape.
攻击他的人──唐吉诃德,并没有追赶他。 他站在那儿,望着脸盆,非常欢喜。 「那个坏蛋做得满聪明的,」他对桑科说道。 「下去把那顶好头盔拿给我。 这正是我在寻找中的那种头盔。」
唐吉诃德把那东西戴在头上,转了一圈,找寻覆面。 「这顶伟大的头盔是为一个头非常大的人做的。 可惜覆面掉了。」
听到脸盆又被称作头盔,桑科哈哈大笑起来。 但是他主人的怒容告诉他要当心点。 他解释他哈哈大笑是因为想到曾经填塞过这个盆子的大脑袋。「我看过许多像这样的头盔挂在理发店的门口。」
唐吉诃德慢条斯理地答道:「我认为这顶奇妙的头盔,曾经是一个愚蠢的商人所有。 他看到这顶头盔是金子做的,就把它砍成两半。 然后他卖掉一半。 把另一半改变成现在这个形状。
