

Everyone is afraid

"Ha! Are
you there, wickedknight?" shouted Don Quixote in a voice of thunder. "Is this the way you greet knights-errant? It is lucky for you that I have not been made a knight. You will not have to pay with y
our life for this wicked attack." Then he turned towards the men, "I do not care about you. Come, all of you, I am ready. Come and take the punishment for your foolish behaviour."

When they heard his terrible voice, and looked at him, they were filled with fear. They stepped back, and stopped throwing stones. Don Quixote allowed them to carry away their hurt companions. Then he walked calmly up and down as before.

The inn-keeper was now completely tired of the old gentleman's mad behaviour. He decided it was time for this joke to end. He was
afraid that worse things would happen. So he went to Don Quixote and asked his pardon for the men's bad behaviour. He said he did not know what they were doing, and they had been rightly and well punished. He also said he could make Don Quixote a knight in any place, and that two hours' watching was enough. Don Quixote had already watched for four hours.
「哈!是你吗,邪恶的武士?」唐吉诃德以如雷般的声音吼道。 「你就是这样迎接游侠的吗? 你真走运,因为我还没被任命为武士。 对这番邪恶的攻击,你不必以生命作代价。」 然后,他转向那些人:「我可不在乎你们。 上吧!你们统统都上吧!我准备好了。 来,为你们愚蠢的行为接受惩罚吧!」
他们听到他可怕的声音,再看看他,觉得满心惊恐。 他们后退,不再扔石头了。 唐吉诃德任他们把受伤的同伙带走。 然后就像刚才一样平静地来回走动。
这时,客栈老板彻底厌倦了这位老先生的疯颠行动。 他决定这场玩笑该结束了。 他担心会发生更糟糕的事情。 于是他走向唐吉诃德,请他原谅那些人的不友善行为。 他说他不明白他们在干些什么事,并且他们已经受到应有的惩罚。 他也说他在任何地方都可以任命唐吉诃德作武士,而守视了这两个小时也已足够。 其实唐吉诃德已经守视四个小时了。
