

They also visited a man called Nicholas, who was a barber. Both these men were good
friends of Don Quixote.

The servant described how Don Quixote had changed after reading books of chivalry. The niece talked about her uncle's behaviour when he was excited by his reading.

When she had finished her story she said, "I blame myself for not telling you my uncle was mad. It is my fault that we did not burn the books."

At this moment they heard a lou
d voice calling in the street, "Open to Sir Baldwin and the Prince of Mantua! I am brought here badly hurt." They hurried to open the door, and saw a strange sight. Don Quixote was sitting on a donkey
whose head was held by a man of the village. But he was not at all like a knight. His armour was knocked out of shape, and his face was covered with dirt. Rozinante was there, too, his head almost to
uching the ground. The broken pieces of Don Quixote's lance were tied to his back.

Don Quixote Tells His Story

When the people in th
e house saw who it was, they began to ask questions. But Don Quixote stopped them all and said, "Be calm! I am seriously hurt; it was the fault of my horse. Carry me to my bed."
她们也拜访了一个叫作尼可拉斯的理发匠。 这两个人都是唐吉诃德的好朋友。

女仆说明唐吉诃德看了武士小说后改变的样子。 侄女也谈到她叔叔在看书后受到刺激的疯狂行为。
当她叙述完故事时说:「我真怪自己没有把叔叔疯了的事告诉你们。 我们没烧掉那些书也是我的错。」
这个当儿,他们听到街道上有个大嗓门在叫着:「给伯德温爵士孟都亚王子开门哪! 我身受重创被带来这里。」 他们急忙去开门,看到一幅奇异的景象。 唐吉诃德正坐在一匹驴子上,驴头由村里一个人拉着。 但是他根本就不像一个武士。 他的甲冑被打得不成形状,他的脸满是尘土。 洛稷喃特也是,它的头几乎要垂到地上。 唐吉诃德被折坏掉的长矛绑在它的背上。
当房子里的人看清楚是谁的时候,他们立即开始问问题。 但是唐吉诃德制止他们,说道:「冷静点! 我受的伤很重,这是我那匹马的错。 把我扶到我床上去吧。」
