

The squires Talk Together

"What is your master's name?" asked Sancho, when they had found a place where they could rest in comfort.

"He is called the Knight of the Mirrors," was the answer. "He is a little mad, and is looking
for another knight whom people say is mad."

"If he likes the company of madmen," said Sancho, "he is lucky. My master's head is full of mad ideas. A child could make him believe
that it is night when the sun is high in the sky. But I love him although he is so simple. I cannot leave him, although he is so foolish."

"You sound dry," said Sancho's new frien
d. "You have been talking too much. I have exactly what you need." With these words he got up and went to his horse. He soon came back with a big leather bottle. After taking a long drink, he gave the bottle to Sancho. Sancho lifted it, leaned back his heads and lay down looking up at the stars.

He remained like that for about a quarter of an hour. "Oh!" he cried, putting down the bottle at last, "that is the best comfort in the world."
「他叫明镜武士。」回答是这样的。 「他有点疯了!正在找寻另一位大家说是疯了的武士。」
「假如他喜欢疯子作伴,」桑科说:「那他很幸运。 我主人的脑袋里全装着疯狂的念头。 尽管太阳高高挂在空中,一个小孩子的语言也能骗他相信是夜里。 可是我还是爱他,虽然他这么幼稚。 我还是无法离开他,虽然他胡涂到家了。」
「你的声音听起来有点沙哑!」桑科新交的朋友说。 「你说太多话了。 我正好有你需要的东西。」 说着,他站起来向他的马匹走去。 很快就带着一个大大的皮酒壶回来。 他喝了好一会儿,把酒壶交给桑科。 桑科举起酒壶,头向后躺下来仰望天空里的星星。
他那样继续喝了大约有一刻钟。 「噢!」他终于放下酒壶,叫道:「这真是全世界最棒的慰劳品了。」
