

Don Quixote Attacks

this, he rode down the hill, not listening to Sancho's cries. Sancho was shouting that the giants were really windmills. The knight rushed on, shouting loudly, "Do not turn and run away, you cowards!
There is only one knight coming to attack you."

Just at that minute there was a wind, and the sails began to turn. When he saw this, Don Quixote cried, "Ah! Lift your arms! Even if y
ou had a hundred arms, I would attack you." Then, calling the name of his lady Dulcinea, he rode at the nearest windmill. His lance went through the lowest of the four sails, and was broken into pieces. The sail hit the horse and rider, and sent them rolling across the ground.

"God protect us!" cried Sancho. He had followed as fast as his donkey could go. He found his master lying ve
ry quietly by the side of Rozinante. "Sir, did I not tell you that these things are windmills, and not giants? Anyone whose head was not filled with mad ideas could see that!"
说着,他就骑马冲下山丘,不理会桑科的呼喊。 桑科正在叫喊,说巨人其实是风车。 这位武士冲向前去,大声吼道:「不要转头逃跑,你们这些懦夫! 来攻打你们的只有一位武士而已。」
就在这个时候,刮起一阵风,风车帆开始转动了。 看到这情形,唐吉诃德叫道「哈!举起你们的胳臂吧! 就算你们有一百条胳臂,我也会攻打你们。」 然后,他呼喊着达辛妮亚夫人的名字,并骑马奔向最靠近他的一座风车。 他的长矛穿进四扇风车帆最底下一扇,破裂成碎片。 风车帆打中马和武士,使他们在地上翻滚。
「上帝保佑我们!」桑科叫道。 他赶着驴子尽快跟来。 他发现他的主人静静地躺在洛稷喃特旁边。 「先生,我不是告诉过你这些东西是风车,不是巨人吗? 任何一个脑袋没装满疯狂念头的人都能看清楚这点!」
