

In the Sierra Morena

In the Mountains

Don Quixote was made very sad by the ungrateful behaviour of the prisoners, and he allowed Sancho to lead him. Sancho thought it would be wise to hide in the mounta
ins of the Sierra Morena. This was wild country between La Mancha and Andalusia. After travelling all day, they stopped for the night in a narrow valley.

Early next morning, Don Q
uixote was woken by loud cries from Sancho. He was in great trouble, for his donkey had gone.

Don Quixote comforted his squire by promising to give him three young donkeys that he had at home. Then, riding on Rozinante, he continued, looking for adventure. Sancho had to walk behind.

That afternoon, Don Quixote had a new idea. He said it would make his name f
amous all over the world. The great knight, Amadis, had gone to an island far away because his lady, Oriana, was unkind to him.
唐吉诃德被那些忘恩负义的囚犯搞得非常伤心,就让桑科在前面带路。 桑科认为躲在摩雷那山脉的山中很明智。 这是一块介于拉兰却和安达露西亚之间的荒芜土地。 走了一整天后,他们在一处狭窄的山谷停下来过夜了。
第二天一大早,唐吉诃德被桑科的大呼小叫吵醒了。 他的麻烦大了,因为他的驴子不见了。
唐吉诃德安慰他的随从,答应把他家里的三匹小驴子给他。 然后,骑上洛稷喃特,继续往前走,寻找冒险。 桑科只好跟在后头步行。
那天下午,唐吉诃德有了一个新主意。 他说这会使他举世闻名。 伟大的武士阿马狄斯曾远去一座海岛,因为他的夫人奥安娜对他无情。
