

Nicholas then went to all the people in turn, and everyone said that it was a real helmet. Everyone was against the poor barber, and he went away sadly. He almost believed that the world had become mad.

The Police and Don Quixote

Just as this important matter was decided, one of the police officers came out of the inn. He and his friends had been eating breakfast. He walked past Don Quixote. Then he st
opped suddenly, and began to look at the knight's face and at his armour. Then he read a paper which he took from his pocket. He looked again carefully at the knight. Then he put his hand on Don Qu
ixote's shoulder, and called out loudly, "In the King's names I take this man prisoner for breaking the law."

The priest was standing near, and he took the paper. He read it, and it was an exact des
cription of the Knight of La Mancha. It described too how he had attacked the King's officers, and set free the prisoners. Don Quixote now became very angry, and attacked the police officer. The pr
iest and the inn-keeper separated them. The officer's three companions now came, and they all said that the knight must go to prison. Don Quixote laughed at the idea.
接着,尼可拉斯到每个人面前轮流走了一趟,每个人都说这是一顶不折不扣的头盔。 每个人都和那个可怜的理发匠作对,于是他就伤心地走开了。 他几乎认定全世界都疯狂了。
当这件大事确定后,有一个保安官员走出了客栈。 他和他的同伴本来是在吃早餐。 他走过唐吉诃德身边。 然后他突然停下,开始注视这个武士和他的甲冑。 接着他从口袋中掏出一张纸看了一会儿。 又仔细端详这位武士。 然后他伸手放在唐吉诃德的肩膀上,高声叫了出来:「奉吾王之名,我要逮捕这个囚犯,因为他触犯了法令。」
牧师就站在附近,他拿过那张纸。 看了一遍,上面描述的正是拉兰却之骑士的精确画像。 上面也说明了他如何攻击国王的官员、释放囚犯。 唐吉诃德这时变得非常愤怒,朝保安官员打过去。 牧师和客栈老板把他们排开。 这时那名官员的三个同伴出来,他们都说这个武士一定要关进监牢。 唐吉诃德对这个主意一笑置之。
