

"Now, Sancho," he said, turning angrily to his squire, "why did you come to me with your foolish sto
ries? I am thinking of cutting you to pieces, as an example to all squires in the future."

The inn-keeper asked Don Quixote to calm himself. Don Quixote believed the inn-keeper wa
s a high officer of Princess Micomicona. So he listened carefully, and agreed to pardon Sancho.

The company now went to rest��all except the Knight of La Mancha. He took his sword
, lance and shield, and went to guard the inn. Some wicked giant or knight, he said, might attack the castle. They might want to take away the beautiful princess who was sleeping there that night.

Don Quixote Guards the Inn

Early the next morning, shortly before the sun rose, Don Quixote heard the sound of horses. Four men then rode up to the
door of the inn. They knocked loudly, and shouted to the inn-keeper to open the door. Don Quixote was sitting on Rozinante, and he remembered his duty. He cried out to them, "Whether you are knight
s or squires or something else, it is not right to knock now.
「咦!桑科,」说着,他愤怒地转向他的随从,「你干嘛来跟我胡说八道? 我现在想把你砍成碎片,让将来所有的随从作一个榜样。」
客栈老板要唐吉诃德冷静下来。 唐吉诃德相信客栈老板是蜜康蜜康娜公主的一名高级官员。 所以他细心地聆听,同意原谅桑科。
大伙儿现在都去休息了──除了拉兰却武士。 他拿着剑、长矛和盾牌,出去守卫这家客栈。 他说有些邪恶的巨人或武士可能会攻打这座城堡。 他们可能想掳走当晚睡在那里的美丽公主。
第二天一大早,太阳即将升起之前,唐吉诃德听到马匹的声音。 接着,四个男人骑马来到客栈门口。 他们大声敲门,高声叫客栈老板来开门。 唐吉诃德正坐在洛稷喃特的背上,想起他的责任来了。 他对他们叫道:「不管你们是武士、还是随从,还是其它什么东西,现在都不该敲门。
