

The Battle of the Windmills

The "Giants"

Talking in this way, they came to the top of a small hill. Below them, they could see thirty or forty windmills. When Don Quixote saw them, he s
aid to his squire, "Friend Sancho, we are lucky today. There are thirty or more very large giants. I will fight them immediately, and kill them, for they are wicked."

"What giants do
you mean?" asked Sancho Panza.

"Those you can see there," answered his master, "with the long arms. They sometimes have arms six miles long."

"Sir, what are you th
inking of?" cried Sancho. "Those are not giants, but windmills. Their arms, as you call them, are the sails, which are moved round by the wind."

"You still have a lot to learn about
the adventures of knights," said Don Quixote. "They are giants, I tell you. If you are afraid, do not come. You can pray while I fight this terrible and unfair battle."
这么一路谈着,他们来到一座小山丘顶上。 在他们脚下,可以看到三、四十座风车。 当唐吉诃德看到这些风车时,对他的随从说道:「桑科老弟!咱们今天走运。 那边起码有三十个非常壮硕的巨人。 我立刻就要和他们作战,把他们杀掉,因为他们都是很邪恶的人。」
「就是那边你看得到的,」他的主人回答说:「胳臂长长的。 有时候,他们的胳臂有六哩长。」
「先生,你在想些什么呀?」桑科叫道。 「那些不是巨人,只是风车而已。 他们的胳臂--这是你说的--只是风车的帆,是由风力推动旋转的。」
「对武士的冒险犯难,你还得多多学习。」唐吉诃德说。 「他们是巨人,我告诉你。 如果你害怕,就不要过来。 在我打这场可怕又不公平的仗时,你可以祷告。」
