

Don Quixote's Fight with the Squire

Sancho Panza Learns About Chivalry

The next afternoon, about three o'clock, they stopped. It was the place where the road from Madrid to Andalusia crossed the mo
untains. The knight spoke to his squire.

"Here, brother Sancho," said Don Quixote, "we may have all the adventures we wish. And remember, you may not take your sword to defend me, if
I am fighting knights. This is the law of chivalry. You may not fight them before you are made a knight, even if I am in danger of death."

"Do not worry about that, sir," answered S
ancho. "I shall obey you. I am peaceful by nature. I hate quarrels and fighting. But if anyone attacks me, I shall defend myself immediately. I shall not stop to as
k if he is a knight, or who he is, if he is attacking me."

"Certainly," said Don Quixote, "you may do that."
第二天下午,大约三点钟的时候,他们停止前进。 这个地方有越过群山,从马德里到安达露西亚的马路。 武士对他的随从说话了。
「在这里,桑科老弟,」唐吉诃德说:「咱们会碰上所有咱们希望的冒险。 并且记住,假如我和武士拚斗,你不可以拔剑保卫我。 这是武士精神的律条。 在你成为武士之前,你不可以和他们拚斗,即使我有生命危险。」
「这你不必担心,先生,」桑科答道。 「我会遵命的。 我本性很温和。 我憎恨争吵和打架。 但是不论是谁一旦攻击我,我立刻就会保卫自己。 我不会停手问他是不是武士,或是什么人,只要他攻击我的话。」
