

Don Quixote and the Prisoners

Don Quixote Finds a Helmet

After the adventure with the sheep, Don Quixote and Sancho Panza had to pass the night in a wood. They could find no inn or castle. N
ext morning, they saw a barber riding on his donkey to a village. He was wearing a new hat. So when it began to rain, he put his basin on his head to keep his hat dry. It was a fine new basin made of
brass. When the sun shone through the clouds, one could see it a mile away.

As he went along happily, the barber felt pleased with himself and with all the world. But suddenly he saw
a wild man in old armour, riding on a bony horse. He was rushing towards him at great speed, and shouting in a terrible voice, "Defend yourself, you wicked man, or give me that helmet which is rightly mine!"

The barber quickly jumped down from his donkey, and Don Quixote's lance just missed him. Filled with fear, he dropped the basin, and ran for his life.
经过和羊群的那场冒险,唐吉诃德和桑科.判扎不得不在丛林中过夜。 他们找不到客栈或城堡。 第二天早上,他们看见一个理发匠骑着驴子到一个村落。 他戴着一顶新帽子。 因为如此当天空将下雨时,他就将脸盆盖在头上,以免帽子被淋湿。 那是一个铜制的很棒的新脸盆。 当太阳透过云层照射时,在一哩外都可以看到。
他快活地走着,对自己和整个世界都很欢喜满意。 但是,他突然看到一个疯狂的男人,穿著旧甲冑,骑着嶙峋瘦马。 正快速冲过来,以可怕的声音吼道:「动手自卫吧!你这个坏蛋,不然就把那顶应属于我的头盔给我!」
理发匠很快地跳下驴子,唐吉诃德的长矛差一点就刺中他。 他满心惊惧,扔下脸盆就逃了。
